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Silky Start to 2011

With the release of Topps 2011 comes a new year of tracking down James Shields. The first card is the good old base card. This came via a trade with Tony from Collecter Across The Pond. I got this and a few extra Shields that Tony didn't want, in exchange Tony recieved a Allen and Ginter mini of a dinosaur. Next comes the trusty Gold Border card short printed to 2011!!! Not much to say about this one apart from it didn't cost too much.

Next is the Diamond Anniversary card, I really like the design on this card. There is just something about shiney cards I really like. Topps have really done a nice job with their 60th anniversary cards, this makes a nice change.

Last but not least is the Silk Collection card 3/50. Picked this one up for $5 on ebay, this was a bit of a steal as all the other ones were listed as BIN at around the $10 mark. This one goes with the 2008 and 2009 Silk cards I Shields I already have.

Just need the Wal Mart black and the low numbered Black Border now. Sadly Topps neglected to put Shields in the fake leather glove set, which is a bit of a shame as it would have been nice to have one in my collection. Maybe next year when Topps has a Manufactured Jock Strap set.

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